Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Princess Vidia

Princess Vidia stared in disbelief at the piece of paper before her. In her father's writing it read;
To Princess Vidia, King Samson's third and youngest daughter; 'On Sunday, March the 11th, you will be brought before the Court for questioning. Afterwards, ye will be tied and gagged then dragged to the edge of the kingdom for flogging and then your be-heading. All this is fair and just, and if you care to confess, send for my head-servent. I'm sorry, Dear Vidia. Sincerely, Your Father.'
Vidia felt her face grow red with fury. She tossed the paper into her fire. "Demirti!" She thundere. Her small, chubby servent ran to her with haste. "Have my horse saddled and her bag's filled to the brim! Tell the Smithy to release my dogs, Cedrick and Ann!" Dimitri hurried off. Vidia whirled around and got under her bed. From there, she pulled out her diary and her precious doll Frannie. She tucked them into her small bag, then crawled under again. She gently pulled out her mother's old, battered gold locket. Her heart ached as she gently fingered it. Dimitri burst in. "The King's Counselor is coming! He has guards and a jailer!" He cried. To Be Continued~M.A.F

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